I came to check on you and Arthur tonight. I see by the date that you and he had each other through the weekend.
I think one of the most difficult thing about losing a life-partner cat, one that has seen you at your best and your worst, seen you through your growth and life changes...is that you will never be that person again. Maybe never be as giving or as trusting or certainly as young.
I think that is why, in our lifetime, there is only one "Heart Cat", one that fills a part of your heart that will remain his or hers forever. That is how it is with my Bo and I, although my very first cat comes in a close second, in fact I still have her "favorite chair"...I just can't part with it, though it needs refinishing and reupolstering. If I did that, it wouldn't be the same chair. But she was a girl cat, a little more tempermental and distant. Bo was a mooshy boy and we adored each other.
I know you will treasure that photo of you and Arthur sitting in that striped chair. I was fortunate to have a good friend come and take photos of me and my first cat, Cascais, when I knew I was losing her to cancer. Those photos are such a treasure to me and take me right back there, to sitting with her in that pink chair in my little bungalow in Oregon.
I have posted this poem, a favorite of mine, far too many times this month already, but I hope it will comfort you through this difficult passage
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
And God asked the feline spirit Are you ready to come home? Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul And, as a cat, you know I am most able To decide anything for myself.
Are you coming then? asked God. Soon, replied the whiskered angel But I must come slowly For my human friends are troubled For you see, they need me, quite certainly.
But don't they understand? asked God That you'll never leave them? That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity? That nothing is created or destroyed? It just is....forever and ever and ever.
Eventually they will understand, Replied the glorious cat For I will whisper into their hearts That I am always with them I just am....forever and ever and ever. Anonymous
A Fond Farewell
Hear ye, hear ye, the end is here.
I mean, the end of the Gold Puppy blog. I've been thinking about it for
awhile now, wondering what in the hell I'm d...
Everyone will have their stories of her. Everyone who knew her, worked with
her or was taught by her will have some little anecdote or snapshot that
they ...
This place marks
a superb spot,
where everyone expects
me to reside,
to germinate undisturbed,
dispassionate, deep.
They do not know
it is an empty...
No, No, No
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refused. No dental treats, no gravies or toppers for added hydration, no
Passover 2013
This year I had help as I made the gefilte fish. Ari is a curious puppy
who wants to check out anything new on the counters. As he gets bigger,
Mrs. Sneed and I went to the grocery the other night. When we went to our
car after shopping, the lot was empty in our row and only one car was in
the ro...
elephants and falling stars
I was looking for a book as evening fell. Rummaging in boxes. then I heard
it. a half cry like someone trod on someone else’s foot in the race to the
*“Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything
to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it
while ...
Train Station Rendezvous
Dave and his students got on their way to Belgium yesterday without too
much trouble. Last I heard from him they were at dinner in their hotel, so
So sorry Adrianne.
He was a beautiful boy.
I'm so sorry; it is such a difficult time.
Oh, I'm sorry to read this. What a loss.
Adrianne I am so sorry to read this, so glad to see the pic of you holding your beloved cat.
May he rest in peace. Give a call if you feel like it. If not, know that I'm sending so much love to the house on Eighth Street.
I came to check on you and Arthur tonight. I see by the date that you and he had each other through the weekend.
I think one of the most difficult thing about losing a life-partner cat, one that has seen you at your best and your worst, seen you through your growth and life changes...is that you will never be that person again. Maybe never be as giving or as trusting or certainly as young.
I think that is why, in our lifetime, there is only one "Heart Cat", one that fills a part of your heart that will remain his or hers forever. That is how it is with my Bo and I, although my very first cat comes in a close second, in fact I still have her "favorite chair"...I just can't part with it, though it needs refinishing and reupolstering. If I did that, it wouldn't be the same chair. But she was a girl cat, a little more tempermental and distant. Bo was a mooshy boy and we adored each other.
I know you will treasure that photo of you and Arthur sitting in that striped chair. I was fortunate to have a good friend come and take photos of me and my first cat, Cascais, when I knew I was losing her to cancer. Those photos are such a treasure to me and take me right back there, to sitting with her in that pink chair in my little bungalow in Oregon.
I have posted this poem, a favorite of mine, far too many times this month already, but I hope it will comfort you through this difficult passage
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.
Are you coming then? asked God.
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.
But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.
Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am....forever and ever and ever.
Amen, Adrianne, amen.
All my best, my friend.
oh, so sad... but thinking of you!! xx
What a beautiful poem! I feel with you, Adrianne. We lost our cat last year...
Thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts and words, and a special thanks to Teri for that lovely poem.
I left a messege for you on my Blog asking about Arthur today. I am so sorry for your loss!
I hope you feel all the love and support coming your way...
Take good care!
So sorry to hear of Arthur's passing. At least he didn't suffer too long.
I'm sad to hear this. My heart goes out to you and yours this week.
I really like your new profile photo. I liked the sculpture, but your face is wonderful. :)
A -- As I mentioned in my recent e-mail, I'm so sorry about Arthur. We're all thinking about you. -- S.
Hi Adrianne
So sorry to hear about Arthur. Loved your story about him.
And love your new look and avatar.
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